Freeze Cloth for Plants



Our Freeze Cloth for Plants is a 2.5 ounce spunbound geotextile fabric that is used to protect your plants from cold weather damage. This frost cloth can be used on trees or plants of various sizes. This product allows air and water to still flow through it and is resistant to breakdown when placed in direct sunlight.

The cloth will help to lengthen the flowering and harvesting season for your plants. It extends the flowering and harvest season. This frost cloth is available in various sizes and can be used in both commercial or residential growing applications.

Product Specifics

  • Material:  Polypropylene
  • Size: Various
  • Free Shipping
  • Need a Written Quote?
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  • Volume Pricing Available - orders $6,500+
  • Questions? Call (800) 520-7731

Frost Protection Fabrics

  • Resists UV degradation
  • Allows air, water, and nutrients to pass through the fabric
  • Keeps air below fabric warmer than air outside of it

 Specification Sheet Download


  • Ships for Free (standard ground, see map)
  • Expedited shipping only available on orders over $2,000 
         Call: (800) 520-7731 for pricing and ship times

Shipping estimates shown on the map pertain to this specific product only. Frost Protectoin Fabric orders typically ship same day if the order is placed before 12:00 noon CST. Transit times displayed in the map are listed in business days, and are approximate. Transit times are subject to stock levels at regional warehouses.  The day that the order is shipped is not counted as a transit day.

How You Can Protect Plants From Freeze

When the winter months hit, many gardeners will try and take in their plants but if they don't have the room, it can be difficult. There are many gardeners who will grow vegetables and other plants that will do well in the winter months. During the colder months, many farmers will give up until the weather warms up or bring their plants indoors and continue growing their plants there. Unfortunately, not everyone has the space to grow their plants indoors but don't worry, we have some great ideas to help you out.

In this article, we will offer some great tips for protecting your plants from frost and point out vegetables that will be hardy enough to grow in the winter months. We will give you some tips for protecting your plants during colder temperatures.

What You Should Know About Frost

Many people think in order for frost to form, the temperature must be below zero, it's snowing, or cloudy skies are overhead, and that's just not the case. In many cases, the weather can be quite calm and you will experience clear evenings.

Actually, cold air settles at ground level where your plants are located. The cold air will cause crystallization to form on your plants and interrupt water from traveling throughout your plants causing them to dry out.

If the air and wind are chilly, things can get even worse as the temperature continues to drop. But in some cases, wind can send out warmer temperatures allowing your plants to warm up.

Pruning in Winter

Woman Pruning in Winter

What Vegetables Are Good Choices During Cold Winter Months?

There are certain plants you should never try to grow in the winter, on the other hand, plenty of vegetables that are hardy and can withstand colder weather and harsh conditions. If you need new vegetables in your garden, the following plants are not only hardy but will be very productive. Just be sure to choose only the hardiest of these vegetables when shopping around for them.

Pas, Spring Onions
Pak Choi
Broad Beans

You can plant these vegetables in December and hope that they will survive. Frost and freezing temperatures can still kill vegetables. So, how can you protect your plants in the winter months? There are a number of avenues we recommend.

Protecting Your Pants From Frost

You must plan ahead and pay attention to the weather forecast. Some of our suggestions might not work out, but there are things you can do to protect your plants in the winter months.

First, you might have to redesign your garden to be frost resistant. Keep in mind, frost forms at the lowest point so you should incorporate raised beds in your garden. Consider placing your raised beds near a wall, fence, or a bench. Also, if these structures are dark in color, they will absorb heat especially if they are facing the sun during the daylight hours. During the night, your structures will radiate warmth to your plants.

Keep in mind, baby plants and seedlings should never be outdoors in the winter.

There are a few other steps you can take before planting anything and protect your plants from frost:

Ideally, plants your garden toward the end of fall before the temperatures drop too low. Your plants should be strong enough to withstand colder temperatures when the weather hits. Better yet, start your garden indoors.

Harden off seedlings indoors. Our seed starting kit includes everything you will need for any variety of plants indoors. Once your plants have developed sufficient root mass and hardened off, you can transplant them into pots or in your raised bed outdoors.

Always Protect Cover Your Plants Before Nightfall

The best way to protect your plants from frost is to cover them up before nightfall. Once the sun goes down, the temperature will drop and you need to cover the plants to keep the warmth from the day from escaping. In turn, they will be protected overnight when temperatures hit their lowest point.

At what temperature should plants be covered?

The temperature will depend on the type of plant. Some vegetables can be harmed at higher temperatures than others. To play it safe, assume anything below 32°F can be damaged. Some gardeners believe plants should be covered up at 35° or less.

Frozen Crops

Frozen Plants

The Best Ways To Cover Plants From Frost

There are many ways you can cover your plants to protect them from frost but some are more effective than others.

You don't have to get crazy, just plant some sticks around the plants Just make sure the sticks are the same height as the plants. Next, cover them with whatever material you have in store. Some of the best materials include;

Blankets or bed sheets
Garden blankets
A drop cloth
Frost cloths

If your plants are smaller and you do not have covers or stakes, you can use inverted flower pots, buckets, or milk jugs with the bottoms cut off.

We highly recommend using frost cloth or garden blankets because they are designed to cover up plants and will work much better than bed sheets or blankets. Also, frost cloths and garden blankets are waterproof, lightweight, and breathable without allowing heat to get out. Keep in mind, do not cover them so tightly you will strangle your plants. You simply want to drape the cover over the plants allowing heat to rise up from the ground and settle at the top of the cloth.

Do not wrap the cloth around the plant and tie it off, heat will not be able to get into the cover.

Trimming Plant in Winter

Winter Pruning

Can A Tarp Be Used To Cover The Plants?

It's not recommended. Plastic tarps or trash bags will not hold in heat like cloth will.

Can A Covered Porch Protect Plants From Frost?

If a covered porch is your only option, it will be somewhat warmer than leaving them in your garden. You might want to use a garage, sun room, an entryway, or another room with hardwood.

Can I Leave My Plants Covered All Day?

If the temperature will remain below freezing all day, you might consider leaving the covers on. If it was a light frost, in the morning you should remove the covers when the sun comes up. This will allow for capturing ground heat and thaw out your plants to perk them up. Around sundown, cover the plants up again to protect them from the next frost that might hit.